Design Principles / Task1 Exploration

03/1/2025 - 23/3/2025/ Week 1 - Week 3

GUAN YAXIN / 0370687

Advanced Typography / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media



A.Gestalt theory

Gestalt theory, born in 1912, was founded by Wittmer, Kaufka and Kohler. This theory emphasizes the integrity of experience and behavior, and clearly points out that the function of eyes and brains is a process of continuous organization, simplification and unification. It is through this process that an easy-to-understand and coordinated whole is produced. This principle can be used as a design thinking mode, emphasizing the structure and organic integration of design, aiming at creating design works with visual impact and easy understanding, and providing important guiding significance for the development of various design fields.

1.Principle of Similarity

Similar parts (such as color, shape, size, texture or direction, etc.) are easy to form a whole, and the visual system will preferentially associate objects that look similar.

2.Principle of Continuation

Continuity refers to a perceptual tendency to lines. Even if lines are blocked by other lines, human eyes still tend to visually flow along smooth paths or curves (that is, they prefer to see continuous flowing elements of vision rather than separated objects) and are perceived by people.

3.Principle of Closure

The human brain will automatically fill in the missing parts, even if the shape is incomplete, it will not be regarded as other independent figures.

4.Principle of Proximity

Emphasize position, and some parts that are short or close to each other are easy to form a whole. Pay attention to the process of putting related design elements together. Make sure that any irrelevant elements should be placed separately.

5.Principle of Figure & Ground

In the field with a certain configuration, some objects pop out to form graphics, and some objects retreat to the background, and the visual perception system will automatically separate them. Generally speaking, the greater the distinction between graphics and background, the more prominent graphics can become our perceptual object. On the contrary, the smaller the distinction between graphics and background, the more difficult it is to separate graphics from background. By changing the color, contrast, size or position, we can control the change of focus and change the position of graphics and background.

6.Principle of Symmetry & Order

The parts with symmetrical, regular and smooth simple graphic features tend to form a whole. Perceptual impression presents the most perfect form with the environment. Parts that belong to each other are easy to combine into a whole, on the contrary, parts that do not belong to each other are easy to be isolated.


Contrast is very important to the visual effect. Generally speaking, the greater the contrast, the clearer and more striking the image, which can provide visual interest, emphasize a certain point and express some content. If there is no contrast, the visual experience will be monotonous.


Through specific techniques and elements (changing colors, adjusting brightness, changing shapes or dynamic effects), some parts or information in the picture are made more prominent and eye-catching.


The balance of the picture refers to the visual balance of the distribution of elements, which can be achieved in a symmetrical or asymmetrical way, bringing stability and beauty to the design.




It involves using the same elements or similar elements (such as colors, patterns, shapes, etc.) many times in works to enhance visual effects and convey information.


Movement refers to the flow path that guides the audience's line of sight through guiding lines, directional elements and gradual changes in design, which can not only attract the audience's attention, but also enhance the sense of space and time of the picture.

G.Harmony & Unity

By adjusting the color, form and proportion of each element, unity emphasizes the sense of wholeness, so as to create a balanced and unified effect, achieve overall stability and balance, and achieve visual balance and beauty.


A symbol is a symbol used to refer to and represent other things. And it is also a carrier, which carries the information sent by both parties. Symbol is a part of culture or visual language and has an objective form that can be perceived.

I.Word and Image

The combination of words and images is an important form of visual expression. Organic arrangement can better convey information and express content.



Advanced Typography - Task 1: Exercises 1 & 2


Advanced Typography - Task 2: Key Artwork and Collateral