Advanced Typography - Task 1: Exercises 1 & 2

25/8/2024 - 20/9/2024/ Week 1 - Week 5

GUAN YAXIN / 0370687

Advanced Typography / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media


Task 1: Exercises 1&2



Advanced Typography: Typographic Systems

there are eight major variations with an infinite number of permutations. These eight major variations are as follows:









The typographic systems are akin to what architects term shape grammars. The typographic systems are similar that the systems has a set of rules that is unique and provides a sense of purpose that focuses and directs the decision making. (Elam, 2007)

Fig 1.0: Axial System

Axial System: all elements are organised to the left or right of a single axis

Fig 1.2: Radial System

Radial System: All elements are extended from a point of locus.

Fig 1.3: Dilatational System

Dilatational System: All elements expand trom a central point in a circular lashion

Fig 1.4: Random System

Random System: Elements appear to have no specific pattern or relationship.

Fig 1.5: Grid System

Grid System: A system of vertical and horizontal divisions.

Fig 1.6: Transitional System

Transitional System: An informal system of layered banding.

Fig 1.7: Modular System

Modular System: A series of non-objective elements that are constructed in as a standardised units

Fig 1.8: Bilateral System

Bilateral System: All text is arranged symmetrically on a single axis


Advanced Typography: Typographic Composition

Fig 1.9: Principles of Design(emphasis)

Principles of Design Composition: Such as emphasis, isolation, repetition, balance (symmetry/asymmetry), alignment, perspective, rhythm, contrast.They are more applicable in visual imagery

Fig. 2.0 The Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds: A photographic guide to composition.The function of intersecting lines is to place points of interest in a given space for guidance

Fig. 2.1 A new composite framework developed on the basis of other structures
(Environmental grid)

Environmental Grid: A new combination derived from an existing structure or multiple structures

Fig. 2.2 Form and movement

Form and Movement: This is based on the exploration of Grid System, forms are placed on the page, create movement on many pages, different forms can represent different text, images or colors, giving visual impact


Advanced Typography: Context and Creativity

The original intention of the first batch of mechanically produced fonts was to imitate handwritten fonts. Handwritten content becomes the basis or standard form, spacing and convention.

Fig. 2.3 Cuneiform

Cuneiform:The earliest actual writing system, writing from left to right.

Fig. 2.4 Hieroglyphics

Hieroglyphics:The Egyptian writing system marked the first step towards the alphabet. Pictograph images can be used in three different ways.
1.As an ideograph, it directly represents the depicted object.
2.As a decisive factor to clarify the previous phonetic symbols and indicate the general concept of a word.
3.The sound of a single word as a phonetic symbol.

Fig. 2.5 Early Greek

Early Greek:The early Greek characters were influenced by the Egyptian and Phoenician systems, and were originally drawn by hand without serif. As time went on, the strokes of these letters became thicker and thicker, and serif appeared.

Fig. 2.6 Roman Uncials

Roman Uncials:Popular in the 4th century, Roman letters became more rounded, and fewer strokes could be written faster.

Fig. 2.7 English Half Uncials

English Half Uncials:In England, Ansel evolved into a more inclined and concentrated form and continued to develop, but the writing style in continental Europe declined.

Fig. 2.8 Carolingian Minuscule (1)

Fig. 2.9 Carolingian Minuscule (2)

Carolingian Minuscule:It developed under the rule of Charlemagne and became the basis of later handwritten styles and lowercase Roman fonts.

Fig. 3.0 Black Letter

Black Letter:It is a Gothic font, influenced by architecture and characters, with compact spacing, fonts and dominant vertical lines, and reduces the material cost of book production by compressing spacing.

Fig. 3.1 The Italian Renaissance

The Italian Renaissance:During the Italian Renaissance, humanists admired the development of Antica font by Carolingia font, which made the handwriting clearer and more open. The focus of this period is to improve and rationalize fonts.

Fig. 3.2 Middle eastern alphabet

Middle eastern alphabet:Phoenician letters represent sounds by letters, which marks a major change in written language.

Fig. 3.3 Chinese

Chinese:Starting from Oracle Bone Inscriptions, seal script was developed, followed by clerical script, traditional script and simplified script.

Fig. 3.4 The ancient script of indus valley civilization (IVC)

The ancient script of indus valley civilization (IVC):The oldest writing found in the Indus River in the "India" subcontinent, but it has not yet been deciphered.
It seems to be a logo syllable, which combines the symbols of words and syllables

Fig. 3.5 Brahmi (450-350 BC)

Brahmi (450-350 BC):It is one of the earliest writing systems developed in India and has great influence. It is the basis of all modern Indian characters and has influenced hundreds of characters in Southeast Asia and East Asia.


Advanced Typography: Designing Type
Understand the history, anatomy, terminology and examples of fonts.Determine the purpose of fonts, check existing fonts for inspiration, and think about which different applications will be used.Research is currently used for inspiration/ideas/reference, etc.

Traditional toolsets or digital toolsets

attention should be paid to the whole form and the counter form.Specialized software for digitization (FontLab and Glyphs App).Some designers use Adobe Illustrator for font design, but they are opposed by purists.

The test results are part of the refining process; Prototype design is very important for improving and correcting all aspects of fonts. Readability and readability are key considerations for text fonts.

Even after deployment, it may need to be modified, and the prototype design and testing stage always exists. Strict testing is required. To minimize initial problems, the task of revision will not end at the time of deployment.

6.Typeface Construction
Using grid (with circular form) can promote the construction of fonts, and even "visual" spaces between letters are needed, which is called "suitable" fonts.

7.Construction and considerations
Different forms and structures must be considered when designing new types. An important visual correction is to stretch the curved (and protruding) shape beyond the baseline and cap line (overshoot). This also applies to curved and straight forms.
Visual correction requires the distance between letters. Letters must be changed to a uniform visual blank.When the printing speed is fast and not very accurate, too much ink will gather at the corners.


Task 1: Exercise 1 - Typographic Systems 

Before the course begins, Mr. Vinod asked us to watch the demonstration video in the lecture playlist. He gave us a preliminary idea of what we were going to learn.
In this exercise, we will explore eight systems, which are Axial、Radial、Dilational 、Random 、Grid、Modular、Transitional、Bilateral InDesign using the contents given in MIB.

The requirements are:
Software:  Adobe InDesign
200 x 200 mm
Black + 1 colour (same colour must be used throughout all systems)
Minor graphical elements allowed (lines, dots, circles...etc)

Fig. 3.6 Axial system - attempt 1

Fig. 3.7 Axial system - attempt 2

It looks like this typography system is relatively simple, but in the process of making it I found it difficult to find a very satisfactory layout. After many attempts, I choose this type as my typesetting, but I am not very satisfied with it, so I hope Mr.Vinod can give me some advice

Fig. 3.8 radial system - attempt

For the radial system, I made an intuitive light-scattering pattern to expand the text, but it wasn't easy to make a very satisfying layout

Fig. 3.9 Dilatational system - attempt

Unfortunately, I have encountered difficulties in making the expansion system, I have not figured out how to make circular path text, I am ready to ask Mr.Vinod Help
By my own efforts, I solved these difficulties. Sir Commented on this system, he said that he liked this design better

Fig. 4.0 Random system - attempt 1

Fig. 4.1 Random system - attempt 2

This system is relatively easy in the production process, after all, it is a random system, so the degree of freedom will be higher, so I randomly distributed the text, and then used different fonts and sizes to transform, and added some regular graphics. When I read books, I noticed that some random systems seem to be "chaotic", which may be an expression of the producer's mood. However, when I made this system, I did not make it very irregular, nor did I cover the fonts too much. On the whole, the information expressed by this system is relatively clear, but the arrangement between fonts does have random characteristics. This system is the most satisfactory one among the eight systems I made by myself.Sir Asked me to use the second design

Fig. 4.2 Grid system - attempt

Table system is a very interesting system, its overall arrangement is relatively regular. After the relatively systematic text arrangement, I added some line elements and graphics, which can enrich the content of my works

Fig. 4.3 Modular system - attempt 1

Fig. 4.4 Modular system - attempt 2

Modular system is also a more regular overall arrangement of the system. In indesign, I used black squares with different colored fonts for placement. But to be honest, I am not particularly satisfied with this design, but I have not thought of other arrangements for the time being, and I hope the teacher can give me suggestions

Fig. 4.5 Modular system - attempt 3

Fig. 4.6 Modular system - attempt 4

Unfortunately, when I was making this system, I ran into some problems. The teacher pointed out that my production method did not meet the definition of this system, and the typesetting method was not very symmetrical, so I made two more. I hope the teacher can give advice

Fig. 4.7 Transitional system - attempt 1

Fig. 4.8 Transitional system - attempt 2

A transitional system may have some similarities to a stochastic system in some respects, but its arrangement is much more regular. I made the fonts float, which makes them look interesting. At the same time, I changed the color shade and color scheme to highlight the point. To enrich the content, I also added some graphics

Fig. 4.9 Bilateral system - attempt

The two-sided system is really challenging, but due to my limited ability, I chose a more secure and concise arrangement. But compared to the previous system, I used black as the background, which can make the overall effect more cool 

Final Task 1 - Exercise 1: Typographic Systems

Fig. 5.0 Final Axial system

Fig. 5.1 Final radial system

Fig. 5.2 Final Dilatational system

Fig. 5.3 Final Random system

Fig. 5.4 Final Grid system

Fig. 5.5 Final Modular system

Fig. 5.6 Final Transitional system

Fig. 5.7 Final Bilateral system

Fig. 5.8 Final Task 1 - Exercise 1: Typographic Systems

 Fig. 5.9 Final Task 1 - Exercise 1: Typographic Systems with Grids and Guides

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Type and Play

Part 1: Finding Type

Our task is to select potential letter forms (limited to four letters) from images (organic or artificial), analyze and identify them, and produce some distinctive fonts

1.Chosen subject

Fig. 6.0 Chosen subject - aloe

After a period of searching, I fixed my eyes on a picture of aloe vera as the subject item. The scattered branches formed a lot of letters, which I found very interesting, so I chose it. In this image, I have extracted five English letters, which are a,z,x,y,v

2.fonts extraction

 Fig. 6.1 Letters found in aloe

Fig. 6.2 reference font

Using the pen tool to trace the shape of the font and keep the sawtooth shape of the branches, we need to set up a reference to help us improve our font design. Among the ten fonts prescribed by the teacher, I chose Futura Std as my reference font

3.Design font

Fig. 6.3 fonts design evolution process (1)

I extract the original form of the font, on this basis, I made a preliminary specification of them, the most obvious feature of aloe vera is its jagged leaves, so I'm going to start with this feature for my own font design.After determined the range of fonts,I adjusted them so that the distance between the fonts and the size of the fonts became consistent,I went on to tweak the fonts so that their styles became standardized and integrated.I think the zigzag forms presented in the font are a little messy, so I simplified them and updated them again. I plan to take them as the final version. I hope to get Mr. Vinod's approval

Fig. 6.4 letter A

 Fig. 6.5 letter V

Fig. 6.6 letter X

Fig. 6.7 letter Y

Fig. 6.8 letter Z

Mr. Vinod gave suggestions for the font I designed. He praised my idea and pointed out that my font should be more standardized, and the number of serrations can be reduced appropriately, which can make the font look more beautiful. So I updated the font I designed based on his suggestion

Fig. 6.9 fonts design evolution process (2)

Fig. 7.0 final design that has been changed

This is the final style of the font I designed

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Type and Play

Part 2 - Type and Image

We need to find an image related to our own elements and combine them into a poster.So I need to found a picture based on the elements of the text

Fig. 7.1 background

Because the font I designed was inspired by aloe, I found a picture of aloe as the background of the poster.

In class, Mr. Vinod taught us how to find logos from the Internet and use image tracking tools to cut logos. Finally, we need to put them in a reasonable position.

Fig. 7.1 logos

These are the four logos I am going to use.

Fig. 7.2 progress (1)

I set my theme as "a story related to plants" and gradient the background picture.

Fig. 7.3 progress (2)

At the same time, I used the clipping mask to add some patterns to my font and add shadows.

Fig. 7.4 progress (3)

I arranged some words and finally made a poster.

Fig. 7.5 progress (4)

Mr. Vinod checked my work and made some comments. He pointed out that the text layout of my poster could be changed, and the main font in the middle needed to be changed to a different color. I accepted his suggestion and changed the text layout, changed the color of the main font and removed the stroke outside the font. The overall color of the poster was also fine-tuned to make the picture more harmonious. I re-examined the poster I designed to Mr. Vinod and got his approval

Final Task 2 - Exercise 2Type and Play 


Fig. 7.6 contrast between Original extracted letterforms and the final type design

Fig. 7.7 final design

Fig. 7.8 final letter A

Fig. 7.9 final letter Y

Fig. 8.0 final letter X

Fig. 8.1 final letter V

Fig. 8.2 final letter Z

Fig. 8.3 Showcase

Fig. 8.4 Final Task 2 - Exercise 2: Type and Play


General Feedback :Mr. Vinod gave a brief explanation of the course of the semester and described the task requirements for the first week. After the first week of study, I learned about different typesetting systems, such as axial system, mirror system, expansion system and so on. And we need to make them according to their arrangement.According to Mr. Vinod's guidance and requirements, I made some different typesetting systems. I hope Mr. Vinod can give me reasonable advice and look forward to further study

Specific Feedback :This is the very beginning of the course, we did not start the task, so there is no special feedback

General Feedback :We have learned the related knowledge of layout composition, such as the principle of design composition, the rule of thirds, etc., which is an extension of the layout system last week, so that we can know more about layout knowledge and pave the way for the completion of this week's task.Mr. Vinod commented on the last week's tasks.and completed the font design according to his requirements (extract text from pictures and design text with the characteristics of the picture content).
Specific Feedback :Mr. Vinod confirmed most of the systems I made and praised the expansion system I made. At the same time, he also pointed out the problems I had. The content arrangement of the modular system I made was not very symmetrical and needed to be changed, so I re-made this system

General Feedback :We learned context and creativity of fonts, the development history of typeface printing and the process of its gradual standardization, and got to know many different types of typeface, which broadened my vision and provided references for my design. Finally, we were asked to make a movie poster using the fonts we had designed earlier. We need to understand the characteristics of posters and make a movie poster
Specific Feedback :In class, Mr. Vinod commented on my font design, he praised my inspiration and asked me to continue to improve it - reduce the number of jagged fonts on the basis of the original font, so as to make the font more beautiful. I was approved by Mr. Vinod after my change

General Feedback :We learned about font design. First, we were introduced to some famous designers and became familiar with their works and design styles. Then, we studied the general process of font design. We need to start by researching fonts, analyzing their structure, and understanding terms such as margins and metrics. Afterward, we move on to designing our own fonts, testing, and deploying them. When creating a new font, we must also consider various forms and structures. This helped me realize the challenges that font designers face.
Poster design is one form of visual communication. Through layout composition, it can immediately capture people's attention and create a strong visual impact. This requires designers to organically combine elements such as images, text, and colors to create a good piece of work. In the layout, there should be a clear hierarchy, with the title as the main focus, needing to be the most prominent. In movie posters, essential elements also include the names of the cast and crew, which are very important.

Specific Feedback :Mr. Vinod gave feedback on the movie posters we created. When I showed my work to him, he pointed out my issues: the text arrangement was not aesthetically pleasing, and he suggested changing the color of the main font. During class, I revised my work based on the teacher's suggestions and also made changes to the arrangement of the main elements (the font I designed). Additionally, I adjusted the color scheme of the entire poster. After completing these revisions, the image and font became more harmonious, and the main font became more prominent. The arrangement was more balanced, and overall, the visual appeal improved significantly. In the end, I gained Mr. Vinod's approval.


In these four weeks of study, I learned a lot of knowledge, including the types of typesetting systems, the related knowledge of board structure, the development history of printing fonts and so on. These learning tasks are relatively heavy, so before the course began, I had a certain fear. But when I actually completed the courses, they were not as difficult as I expected, and I found some fun in the process of completing the tasks. For exercise 1, I need to understand each type of typography system before making it. I prefer stochastic systems and transitional systems, and I find the way they are arranged very interesting. Exercise 2 is also a big challenge for me, because I need to find a picture and extract text from it. Compared with Exercise 1, Exercise 2 is more free and creative, and it tests students' design ability, so it is more difficult. Generally speaking, the exercises we are doing now are really challenging, so I also want to enhance my design ability, broaden my vision and improve efficiency

In Exercise 1, by making different types of typography systems, I learned about the characteristics of each system and how we should change the look of the design. No matter how the design system we produce changes, they have certain laws, such as symmetry, fluidity and balance, in general, they have a clear structure that can be summarized, we not only follow the characteristics of these typeset systems, but also arrange the content in a beautiful order. Exercise 2 is more interesting and free, but it is also relatively difficult. It is not easy for me to find the right picture and extract different fonts from the picture. This exercise pays more attention to exercise students' observation ability, generalization ability and flexibility. Making movie posters also teaches students how to look at images, identify themes, and organize content

Before completing these exercises, I did not understand the types and characteristics of typesetting systems, and I had never even thought of the term "system" in typesetting. Typesetting systems have various types and characteristics, and each can have a lot of arrangements, which adds a lot of interest. The practice of text extraction also exercises students' own creativity and lays the groundwork for later tasks. At the beginning, I thought that the connection between the exercises was not strong, but in fact, they were interlinked and gradual. In the process of completing these exercises, we improved our design ability, flexibility and creativity, so that we could better complete the subsequent tasks and carry out more in-depth learning



This book introduces different typesetting types and their characteristics in detail. For those who want to understand and learn typesetting related knowledge, the content and explanation are very detailed, and the illustrations are clear and clear. It is important that I understand the role of design principles, which provide certain guidelines for regulating typography, such as contrast, repetition, emphasis, and so on

Fig. 8.6 Mr. Vinod's article

The article written by Mr. Vinod was also very interesting, which gave me a preliminary understanding of the wonderful idea of extracting text from pictures, paved the way for my smooth completion of the learning task, broadened my vision and improved my aesthetic quality




Advanced Typography - Task 2: Key Artwork and Collateral