
目前显示的是 七月, 2024的博文

Digital Photography and Imaging (GCD 61204) PROJECT 3 : E-PORTFOLIO

  Digital Photography and Imaging  (GCD 61204) PROJECT 3 :  E-PORTFOLIO(10%)   NAME Guan Yaxin ID 0370687 COURSE Digital Photography and Imaging GROUP 1 EMAIL 0370687@sd.taylors.edu.my E-PORTFOLIO https://guanyaxin370687.blogspot.com/search/label/Digital%20Photography%20and%20Imaging 1. Project 1: Digital & Physical collages 2. Project 2: Photoshop exercises 3. Final Project: Cinemagraphs - Self-tilted (still & animation) 4. Weekly post (14 Weeks) : https://guanyaxin370687.blogspot.com/2024/07/digital-photography-and-imaging-gcd_13.html

Digital Photography and Imaging WEEKLY POST (GCD 61204)

  Digital Photography and Imaging  (GCD 61204) WEEKLY POST NAME: GUAN YAXIN I.D: 0370687 COURSE: DPI GROUP: 1 EMAIL: 0370687@sd.taylors.edu.my  E-PORTFOLIO:   https://guanyaxin370687.blogspot.com/2024/07/digital-photography-and-imaging-gcd_5.html Week1 lectures This is the first time for me to get to know this course. The teacher introduced the content we would learn and the works we would produce. With the teacher's explanation, I got to know the general content of this course and the knowledge to be learned next In the first week of the course, the teacher asked us to find three pictures and appreciate them, which will help us to make the next collage tutorial the lecture practical Design #1:photograghy work(BY My Modern Met)                                         ...