
目前显示的是 六月, 2024的博文


|| 22/04/24– 24/07/24 (Week 1 – Week 14) || Guan Yaxin 0370687 BDCM || Typography || Task 2 THE LECTURES Week 6- Week 8 Understanding Fig 1.0 'A' in Baskerville The uppercase letters below are actually asymmetrical. It is easy to see the difference between the two strokes, and each bracket connecting the serif body to the stem has a unique arc, which makes it easier to see the difference in arc Fig.1.1 'a' left: Helvetica; right: 'a' in Univers Comparing the lowercase "a" of two seemingly similar sans-serif typefaces - helvetica and Univers - shows the complexity of each very clearly. Look at the stem of the two typefaces and how the circle fits into the stem, and you'll quickly see the difference Fig.1.2 x-height x-height usually describes the size of a lowercase letter. But if there are curved strokes, they must be above the median or below the basel...